No Ammonia Lightener Has Re-Entered the Chat

By: Kenra Professional
October 2023

Alas, the wait is over! Kenra Color fan-favorite No Ammonia Lightener has gotten a facelift and is back, back, back again! Now, within the Simply Blonde family, No Ammonia Lightener is the ammonia-free, fragrance-free option for lightening clients with DualBond Technology and an added level of lift from its predecessor, now allowing for up to 8 levels in one blonding session.

DualBond Technology helps to maintain the integrity of both inner and outer bonds of the hair, ensuring a smooth and gentle lightening process when following the manufacturer’s instructions. Now providing up to 8 levels of lift, No Ammonia Lightener is a strong contender among the other players in the category.

No Ammonia Lightener has a general process time of up to 45 minutes. It also has a flexible mixing ratio of 1:1, 1:2, or 1:3 depending solely on your preference of consistency. It is mixed with Kenra Color 10-30 Volume Developer: 10Vol and 20Vol for on and off-scalp applications, and 10Vol-30Vol for off-scalp applications. As always, Kenra Professional products are PETA-certified and are free of any animal testing. Check out the videos below and make sure that this amazing tool is available in your arsenal behind the chair!